Crack It!
Crack It!.iso
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Text File
856 lines
*Crack-It Launcher - Script Version 0.30
*Authors T. K. Tierney, A. Fauteux.
*Kludges: Call problems.
Debug all
Version Cutter,0.126
set MAX640NOSCALE,77
set MAX800NOSCALE,88
set MAX640SCALE,123
set MAX800SCALE,155
*Initial setup - Preload the the main slist, theme and phrase systems.
readfile MainList, content\mainlist.sl, slist
gosub shInitTheme
gosub shInitPhrase
*Play the opening video.
player 1,play,avi,video\aztechmv.avi
player 1,check
if @$STATUS eq PLAY goto AviLoop
*Display the Title Page.
openhtml 1,100%,95%,0%,0%
concat Title800Adjust,"<center><big>Welcome To CRACK IT</big>
&<br><a href=^"exit:?TitleGifClick^">Next</a></center><br>"
if @$ScreenWidth eq 640 clear Title800Adjust
concat x,
&"<body background=^"art\bkgnd.gif^">
&"<center><a href=^"exit:?TitleGifClick^"><img src=^"art\welcome.gif^"></a>
dohtml 1,Crack-It Title Page,@x,titlekill,1
gosub shTheme
dohtml 1,Crack-It Title Page,@x,titlekill,30
goto WelcomeDisplay
goto WelcomeDisplay
gosub shPhrase
gosub Quitter
goto TitleDisplay
*Display the Welcome page.
set Welcome800Adjust,<br><br><br>
if @$ScreenWidth eq 640 clear Welcome800Adjust
concat x,
&"<body background="art\bkgnd.gif">
&<a href="exit:?WelcomeQuitClick">Quit Crack-It </a>^|
&<a href="exit:?WelcomeKillMusicClick"> Kill the Music!</a>^
&"<center><img src=^"art\Splash.gif^" usemap=^"#splashMap^">
&<MAP NAME=^"splashMap">
&<AREA COORDS=^"11^,237^,147^,271^" HREF=^"exit:?AboutPageClick^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"154^,232^,296^,275^" HREF=^"exit:?SelectionPageClick^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"305^,234^,444^,276^" HREF=^"exit:?DemoPageClick^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"453^,236^,590^,269^" HREF=^"exit:?CatalogButtonClick^">
dohtml 1,Crack-It Welcome Page, @x,welcomekill,1
gosub shTheme
dohtml 1,Crack-It Welcome Page, @x,welcomekill
goto SelectionDisplay
gosub shPhrase
set shThemeEnable,FALSE
goto WelcomeReDisplay
gosub shPhrase
gosub Quitter
goto WelcomeReDisplay
gosub shPhrase
goto AboutDisplay
gosub shPhrase
execute catalog\aztech.exe,,catalog
goto WelcomeDisplay
gosub shPhrase
goto SelectionDisplay
gosub shPhrase
goto Demodisplay
*Display the About page.
gosub shTheme
concat x,<body background="art\bkgnd.gif"><a href="exit:?AboutBackClick">Go back</a>
&<br><center><img src="art\about.gif"></center><br></body>
doHTML 1,About Crack-It!,@x,AboutKill
gosub shPhrase
gosub Quitter
goto AboutDisplay
gosub shPhrase
goto WelcomeDisplay
*Display the Demo page.
*Re-display the page with any data from the previous display.
gosub shTheme
concat x,
&<body background="art\bkgnd.gif">
&<TR><TD WIDTH="107"><a href="exit:?WelcomeDisplay">Go back</a></TD>
&<TD>Click on one of these Buttons to install a demo.</TD>
&<center><img src=^"art\demo.gif^" usemap=^"#demomap^"></center>,
&<MAP NAME=^"demomap^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"18^,52^,319^,147^" HREF=^"exit:?DemoLaunch1^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"21^,160^,321^,222^" HREF=^"exit:?DemoLaunch2^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"19^,234^,321^,330^" HREF=^"exit:?DemoLaunch3^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"14^,340^,328^,384^" HREF=^"exit:?DemoLaunch4^">
dohtml 1,Crack-It Demo Page,@x,DemoKill
gosub shPhrase
goto DemoRedisplay
gosub shPhrase
execute DEMOS\AW3Demo.EXE
goto DemoRedisplay
gosub shPhrase
LOADSCRIPT demos\f22.scp,,ReturnLabel
goto DemoRedisplay
gosub shPhrase
execute DEMOS\dx5eng.exe
goto DemoRedisplay
gosub shPhrase
gosub Quitter
goto DemoReDisplay
*Display the Selection page
clear cshcHTML,GameSearchString
*Re-display the page with any data from the previous display.
concat x,
&<body background="art\bkgnd.gif">,
&<a href="exit:?SelectionBackClick">Go back</a><br><br>,
&<center><img src=^"art\alphabet.gif^" usemap=^"#alphamap^"></center>,
&<MAP NAME=^"alphamap">
&<AREA COORDS=^"1^,0^,44^,45^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=A?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"48^,3^,89^,45^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=B?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"96^,5^,136^,45^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=C?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"143^,2^,184^,45^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=D?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"190^,4^,229^,45^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=E?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"234^,4^,275^,46^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=F?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"281^,5^,320^,47^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=G?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"327^,4^,365^,46^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=H?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"373^,4^,413^,45^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=I?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"420^,4^,458^,45^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=J?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"466^,5^,505^,46^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=K?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"511^,4^,551^,46^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=L?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"559^,4^,597^,45^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=M?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"5^,50^,45^,93^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=N?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"51^,50^,91^,93^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=O?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"97^,50^,137^,92^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=P?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"143^,50^,183^,92^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=Q?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"190^,51^,229^,93^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=R?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"236^,50^,275^,91^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=S?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"283^,51^,321^,93^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=T?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"327^,51^,366^,93^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=U?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"373^,51^,412^,93^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=V?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"420^,51^,459^,92^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=W?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"466^,53^,505^,94^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=X?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"512^,52^,551^,93^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=Y?SelectionAlpha^">
&<AREA COORDS=^"557^,52^,596^,92^" HREF=^"exit:GameSearchString=Z?SelectionAlpha^">
&"<br><B><center>Click on a letter, or enter a keyword and click SEARCH.</b></center>",
&"<br><center><FORM method=GET>",
&<INPUT NAME=GameSearchString size=30 maxlength=50 VALUE=",@GameSearchString,
&^"> <INPUT TYPE=submit value=Search Name=^"exit:?SelectionKeyword^"></FORM></center>,
&@cshcHTML, </body>
gosub shTheme
dohtml 1,Crack-It Game Selection Page,@x,SelectionKill
gosub shPhrase
goto WelcomeDisplay
*This exit assumes that a keyword has been chosen.
*First eliminate a zero-length string
convert GameSearchString,trim
set y,len @GameSearchString
if @y eq 0
signpost display,Blank Keyword.,
&<p><center>No keyword was indicated. <p>Please try again.</center>,40%,12%,20
goto SelectionDisplay
*Next deal with too short a keyword.
if @y lt 3
signpost display,Keyword should be more specific.,
&<p><center>This selection is likely to generate far too many entries.
&<p>Please be more specific.</center>,40%,20%,30
goto SelectionReDisplay
*Next deal with multiple keywords
instring x,@GameSearchString," ",1
if @x gt 0
signpost display,Multiple Keywords.,
&<p><center>More than one keyword was entered.
&<p>Please use a single keyword.</center>,40%,20%,30
goto SelectionReDisplay
*Validation complete. Call the search engine.
gosub CreateSelectionHTMLCode
goto Selection1
*Handle Alpha Selections
*if the file is not ready, call the search engine, else load from the file.
concat y,search\,@GameSearchString,.txt
findfile x,@y
if @x eq ""
gosub CreateAlphaSelectionHTMLCode
readfile cshcHTML,@y
clear GameSearchString
if @cshcHTML eq ""
signpost display,No matches found.,
&"<p><center>Sorry, but no matches were found.<p> Please try again.</center>",40%,10%,30
concat cshcHTML, "<table> <caption> Search Results: </caption>",@cshcHTML, "</table>"
goto SelectionRedisplay
gosub shPhrase
gosub Quitter
goto SelectionReDisplay
*Display of the Content page
gosub CreateContentHTMLCode
gosub shTheme
concat x,
&<body background=art\bkgnd.gif>,
&<a href=^"exit:?SelectionReDisplay^">Go back</a><br><br>,
&"<center><bold><big><big>Content Page for ",@cchcGN,</center></bold></big></big>,
&<br><br><table> <caption>Material Available</caption><br>,
&@cchcHTML, </table></body>
dohtml 1,Crack-It Content Page,@x,ContentKill
gosub shPhrase
gosub Quitter
goto ContentReDisplay
gosub shPhrase
*Decode the ActionData variable. Format: <action>;<path>;<scale>;<filename>;<description>
extract x,1,@ActionData
extract ItemPath,2,@ActionData
extract ItemScale,3,@ActionData
extract ItemFN,4,@ActionData
extract ItemDesc,5,@ActionData
if @x eq "Install" goto InstallItem
*Display of the ReadItem page
gosub shTheme
concat x,@ItemPath,\,@ItemFN
readfile ItemFile,@x
if @$status ne "TRUE"
Scream File not found..,@x
*Handle scaling.
if @ItemScale eq 0
set ScaleHTML,"<font SIZE="3">"
if @$Screenwidth eq 640
if @Itemscale gt MAX640NOSCALE set ScaleHTML,"<font SIZE="-1">"
if @Itemscale gt MAX800NOSCALE set ScaleHTML,"<font SIZE="-1">"
concat y,"Crack-It Item Page for ",@ItemFN
concat x,
&<body background=art\bkgnd.gif>
&<a href=^"exit:?ContentReDisplay^">Go back</a>," ",
&<a href="exit:?ReadItemPrintPage">Print Page</a><br><br>
dohtml 1,@y,@x,ReadItemKill
goto ContentReDisplay
gosub shPhrase
gosub PrintPAge
goto ReadItemReDisplay
gosub shPhrase
goto ContentReDisplay
*Install the item.
*This either runs an executable file, warns about a ZIP file,
*or else runs an SA script with the same first name
*which will take care of the installation.
set fncFN,@ItemFN
gosub FileNameCracker
convert fncName,Uppercase
concat x,@ItemPath,\,@fncName,.SCP
findfile x,@x
if @x ne "" goto InstallItemViaScript
if @fncExt ne "ZIP" goto InstallItemDirectly
*Handle Zips.
concat x,
&"<center><bold><big>Compressed utility: ",@ItemFN,</center></bold></big>
&<p><p><p>The utility ^",@ItemFN,^" is a compressed (ZIP) file.
&<p>It can be found on the Crackit CD-ROM in at ^",@Itempath,\,@ItemFN,^".,"
&<p>If you wish to use this file, please move it over to a temporary
& directory on your hard drive, and then uncompress it with a ZIP utility.
&<p>If these instructions do not make sense to you, you should consult
& an experienced computer user before using this utility."
signpost Ok,"Zip file!",@x,400,350
goto ContentReDisplay
*InstallAgent script file found. Execute it. Return to Content page when completed
gosub shPhrase
loadscript @x,,InstallItemReturn
goto ContentReDisplay
*Run the File directly
goto ContentReDisplay
gosub shPhrase
concat y,@Itempath,\
findfile y,@y
if @y ne ""
concat x,@y,@ItemFN
execute @x,,@y
goto ContentReDisplay
****** subroutines *********
*Sub Quitter - Checks if the user wants to kill the script.
concat x,<br><center>Do you want really want to exit the program?</center>
signpost yesno,Exit Program?,@x,224,144
if @$status eq YES halt
*Sub PrintPage - Prints the current HTML Window. Often caled from HTML
PrintHTML 1
*Sub Quitter - Checks if the user wants to kill the script.
*Sub FileNameCracker - Breaks a file name into its components. Partially implemented
*Entry: fncFN is the filepath to be cracked.
*Exit: fncStatus = TRUE if the operation worked. FALSE if it failed.
* fncExt = the extension part of the item. "" if there was none.
* fncName = the name part of the item.
* fncPath = the path part of the item. (NYI)
*Locate extension and extract it.
set fncStatus,FALSE
clear fncExt
InString fncx, @fncFN,"."
if @fncx ne 0
set fncx, @fncx + 1
substring fncExt,@fncFN,@fncx,99
convert fncExt,Trim
*Extract the file name
if @fncx eq 0
set fncName,@fncFN
set fncx,@fncx - 2
substring fncName,@fncFN,1,@fncx
convert fncName,Trim
*Clean up
set fncStatus,TRUE
clear fncPath
*(CSHC) CreateSelectionHTMLCode - create the SelectionHTMLCode string based
*upon the results of a search of MainList.sl game titles.
*The fragment created is a table of many lines, one for each game found.
*If an entry is clicked, it exits HTML, setting variable ContentData to an slist
*containing the Game name and subdirectory name for the content item selected.
*Entry: CreateSelectionHTMLCode: GameSearchString contains the data from the Selection form.
* CreateAlphaSelectionHTMLCode: GameSearchString contains the single character from
* the Alphabetic search graphic.
* Mainlist.sl format: <Game Name>; <Game Material Codes>; <Subdirectory>
*Exit: Returns to Parent script.
* cshcHTML contains the HTML fragment to be included in the selection page.
* cshcSLCount is the count of entries found.
* cshcIndex Index for the MainList slist.
* cshcGN Game Name, extracted from MainList.
* cshcGMC Game Material Codes for this entry.
* cshcSub Game subdirectory.
* cshcSL A (shortlist) slist of the indexes of elements of MainList which match GameSearchString
* cshcSLIndex Index for cshcSL
* cshcSLCount Number of entries found.
* cshcX Scratch.
* cshcY Scratch.
* cshcZ Scratch.
* cshcHTML Output HTML fragment.
*Alternate Entry - CreateSelectionHTMLCode. Extract keyword matches into a short list.
search cshcSL, @MainList, @GameSearchString, 3, 1
goto cshcInitialize
*Alternate entry - CreateAlphaSelectionHTMLCode. Extract alphabet matches into a short list.
search cshcSL, @MainList, @GameSearchString, 3, 1, Startwith
goto cshcInitialize
clear cshcIndex,cshcGN,cshcIT,cshcGMC,cshcSub,cshcX,cshcY,cshcZ,cshcHTML
set cshcSLIndex,0
*Extraction and processing loop.
set cshcSLCount, count @cshcSL
set cshcSLIndex, @cshcSLIndex + 1
if @cshcSLIndex gt @cshcSLCount goto cshcExit
*Extract the items indicated in the Short List.
extract cshcIndex,@cshcSLIndex,@cshcSL
extract cshcGN,@cshcIndex,@Mainlist
set cshcIndex,@cshcIndex + 1
extract cshcGMC,@cshcIndex,@MainList
convert cshcGMC,Uppercase
set cshcIndex,@cshcIndex + 1
extract cshcSub,@cshcIndex,@MainList
set cshcIndex,@cshcIndex + 1
*Put up the progress display.
set cshcX, @cshcSLIndex / @cshcSLCount
set cshcY,len @cshcHTML
progress Open,Scanning.,"Scanning... ",@cshcGN,@cshcX
*Expand cshcGMC into long hand in cshcX.
clear cshcX
instring cshcZ, @cshcGMC, "C"
if @cshcZ gt 0 concat cshcX, @cshcX, "Cheats "
instring cshcZ, @cshcGMC, "U"
if @cshcZ gt 0 concat cshcX, @cshcX, "Utilities "
instring cshcZ, @cshcGMC, "T"
if @cshcZ gt 0 concat cshcX, @cshcX, "Tips & Tricks "
instring cshcZ, @cshcGMC, "E"
if @cshcZ gt 0 concat cshcX, @cshcX, "Errors "
instring cshcZ, @cshcGMC, "W"
if @cshcZ gt 0 concat cshcX, @cshcX, "Walkthroughs "
*Concatenate a fragment of HTML code onto SelectionHTMLCode.
*Each frag is a table row for the entry found. If clicked, it sets ContentSub.
concat cshcHTML,@cshcHTML,
&<tr><td>,@cshcSLIndex,</td><td><a href=^"exit:ContentData=,
&@cshcGN,.</a></td><td>,@cshcX, </td></tr><br>
goto cshcExtractLine
*Clean up our toys and return.
Progress Close
Release cshcIndex,cshcGN,cshcGMC,cshcX,cshcY,cshcZ,cshcSL,cshcSLIndex,cshcSub
*(CCHC) CreateContentHTMLCode - create the ContentHTMLCode string based upon the slist found in CONTENT.SL
*Entry: ContentData contains an slist with Game Name;Subdirectory.
* Content.sl is a file containing the contents slist we are to use.
*Content.sl file format:
* Row 1: Comment
* Row 2..N <Entry file Name>;<Entry Description>;<Entry Mat Codes>;<Entry Action>;
*Exit: cchcGN contains the game name.
* cchcHTML contains the HTML fragment of table entries to be included in the Content page.
* clicking an entry generates ActionData as an slist: <action>;<path>;<filename>;<description>
* ContentData String containing subdirectory name of the content area.
* cchcPath String containing the expanded file path of the content area.
* cchcIndex Index to the cchcContentSlist
* cchcContentList Slist contains the contents for this subdirectory.
* cchcListCount Number of segments in the slist
* cchcHTML String contains the assembled HTML code fragment.
* cchcED Entry Description (longhande description)
* cchcEFN Entry File Name
* cchcEMC Entry Material Codes
* cchcEAC Entry Action
* cchcGN Contains the game name
* cchcScale Contains the scaling width of the text file
* cchcX Scratch
* cchcY Scratch
* cchcZ Scratch
Clear cchcHTML
*Crack the ContentData
extract cchcGN,1,@ContentData
extract cchcPath,2,@ContentData
*Get the slist from the indicated directory.
convert cchcPath,trim
concat cchcPath,Content\,@cchcPath
concat cchcX,@cchcPath,\content.sl
readfile cchcContentList,@cchcX,slist
if @$status eq "NF"
scream "Content file not found ",@cchcX
*extract each record into local variables before generating HTML.
set cchcIndex,2
set cchcListCount, count @cchcContentList
if @cchcIndex gt @cchcListCount goto cchcExit
*Handle width-scaling prefix on the file name
extract cchcEFN,@cchcIndex,@cchcContentList
substring cchcX,@cchcEFN,1,1
if @cchcX eq "*"
instring cchcX,@cchcEFN,"*",2
set cchcX,@cchcX - 1
substring cchcScale,@cchcEFN,2,@cchcX
set cchcX,@cchcX + 2
substring cchcEFN,@cchcEFN,@cchcX,99
set cchcScale,0
convert cchcEFN,uppercase
set cchcIndex,@cchcIndex + 1
extract cchcED,@cchcIndex,@cchcContentList
set cchcIndex,@cchcIndex + 1
extract cchcEMC,@cchcIndex,@cchcContentList
convert cchcEMC,uppercase
set cchcIndex,@cchcIndex + 1
extract cchcEAC,@cchcIndex,@cchcContentList
convert cchcEAC,uppercase
set cchcIndex,@cchcIndex + 1
*Expand cchcEMC into long hand.
if @cchcEMC eq "C" set cchcEMC, "Cheats Codes"
if @cchcEMC eq "U" set cchcEMC, "Utility"
if @cchcEMC eq "T" set cchcEMC, "Tips & Tricks"
if @cchcEMC eq "E" set cchcEMC, "Errors"
if @cchcEMC eq "W" set cchcEMC, "Walkthrough"
*Expand cchcEAC into long hand.
if @cchcEAC eq "D" set cchcEAC, "Read"
if @cchcEAC eq "I" set cchcEAC, "Install"
*Generate the HTML fragment.
concat cchcHTML,@cchcHTML,
&<td><a href=^"exit:ActionData=,@cchcEAC,;,@cchcPath,;,@cchcScale,;,@cchcEFN,;,@cchcED,?ContentItemClick^">,
& @cchcEAC, </a></td>
&<td>,@cchcED, </td>
&<td>,@cchcEMC, </td>
goto cchcExtractLine
*Clean up our toys and return.
Release cchcIndex,cchcContentList,cchcListCount
Release cchcEFN,cchcEMC,cchcEAC,cchcED,cchcX,cchcZ,cchcPath,cchcScale
Debug all
gosub shInitTheme
gosub shTheme
goto loop
*Sub SoundHandler. (sh) Handles theme music and phrases; it allows a theme to
*be interrupted by a phrase, but waits for a phrase to end before playing a theme.
*Entry shInitTheme Initializes the theme system.
*Entry shTheme Just call it, it takes care of themes.
*Entry shInitPhrase Initializes the phrase system.
*Entry shPhrase Just call it, it takes care of phrase.
*Option: shThemeEnable can be set to FALSE to disable the Theme unit.
* shPhraseEnable can be set to FALSE to disable the Phrase unit.
*Entry shInitTheme: Initialize the theme files by putting them into an slist.
findfile shThemeList,sound\themes\*.wav
set shThemeListCount, count @shThemeList
set shThemeEnable,TRUE
*Entry shTheme: Play the next WAV sound file in the theme listlist.
if @shThemeEnable ne TRUE return
player 2,CHECK
if @$STATUS eq PLAY goto shTHEME
player 1,CHECK
if @$STATUS eq PLAY return
set shThemeListIndex, random @shThemeListCount
extract shThemeFile,@shThemelistIndex,@shThemeList
player 1,STOP,WAV,@shThemeFile
player 1,PLAY
*Entry shInitPhrase: Initialize the phrase files by putting them into an slist.
findfile shPhraseList,sound\phrases\*.wav
set shPhraseListCount, count @shPhraseList
set shPhraseEnable,TRUE
*Entry shPhrase: Play the next WAV sound file in the Phrase listlist.
if @shPhraseEnable ne TRUE return
set shPhraseListIndex, random @shPhraseListCount
extract shPhraseFile,@shPhraselistIndex,@shPhraseList
player 2,STOP,WAV,@shPhraseFile
player 2,PLAY